Aloe’s product focus is Silicon photonic integrated circuits (PICs) with high performance using
low power at volume production. Our technology creates a roadmap to higher speeds.
Aloe is developing dual-polarization IM-DD (DP-IMDD) technology, which doubles the capacity of short-reach fiber links without requiring an increase in symbol rate or laser count. This saves cost, size, and power.
Read more: Dual Polarization IMDD System for Data Center Connectivity Paper
Aloe’s products can be fully integrated with existing intensity-modulated direct-detect (IM-DD) links. They can utilize existing SERDES, are LPO compatible, and can be scaled to 800G/lane and beyond.
56Gbd (100G PAM4) PICs
112Gbd (200G PAM4) PICs
112Gbd (400G DP-PAM4) PICs